For an appropriate perspective, please read the previous post on this topic.
Q: Did the Human Race evolve from Monkeys over a span of millions of years?
Comment: That is what Charles Darwin's Theory of Evolution tells us.
We are still to find the missing link between monkey and man though.
There seems to be similarities between monkey genetics and human genetics but this is only for the 2% of DNA that we know about. The remaining 98% of human DNA material is uncharted and we know nothing about its function, and which is conveniently termed as Junk DNA.
This is a flow chart depicting how Homo sapiens evolved.
A quote
"The new Ethiopian fossil, announced online by the journal Science, pushes the arrival of Homo on the East African landscape back almost half a million years, to 2.8 million years ago. The date is tantalizingly close to the last known appearance, around three million years ago, of Australopithecus afarensis, an upright-walking, small-brained species best known from the skeleton called Lucy, believed by many scientists to be the direct ancestor of our genus. The new jaw, known as LD 350-1, was found in January 2013 just a dozen miles from where Lucy was found in 1974."
This is Archaeology and Carbon Dating Science at its best with all its Human Limitations.
"Prehistory begins in the Paleolithic Era, or "Early Stone Age," which is followed by the Neolithic Era, or New Stone Age, and the Agricultural Revolution (between 8000 and 5000 BCE) in the Fertile Crescent"
This image depicts the Earliest Human Civilizations on Earth from 3000 BC to 1000 AD.
The earliest human civilizations from 3000 BC, would need to have a human population of a few zillions just for me to have been born in the 20th century, Read here:
According to Anthropologists, the Human Population grew on a linear scale from 10 million in 10,000 BC to 7.000 million in 2000 AD in a linear fashion.
This does not tally as per the concept that I have outlined in the previous post.
Read here:
Science with Technology has changed human lives and provided Human Beings so-called Comforts (along with side effects). Yet Science has Limitations, the Limitation of being a Human Being in a Physical Human Body.
Neither does Scripture nor does Scientific data explain factually how human beings came to exist on earth, and it does not add up to simple mathematical common sense. I need a pair of human beings to produce me. This pair needs another two pairs of human beings to produce them. Again, these two pairs need another four pairs of human beings to produce them and so on...
Read here:
Q: Did the Human Race evolve from Monkeys over a span of millions of years?
Comment: That is what Charles Darwin's Theory of Evolution tells us.
We are still to find the missing link between monkey and man though.
There seems to be similarities between monkey genetics and human genetics but this is only for the 2% of DNA that we know about. The remaining 98% of human DNA material is uncharted and we know nothing about its function, and which is conveniently termed as Junk DNA.
This is a flow chart depicting how Homo sapiens evolved.
A quote
"The new Ethiopian fossil, announced online by the journal Science, pushes the arrival of Homo on the East African landscape back almost half a million years, to 2.8 million years ago. The date is tantalizingly close to the last known appearance, around three million years ago, of Australopithecus afarensis, an upright-walking, small-brained species best known from the skeleton called Lucy, believed by many scientists to be the direct ancestor of our genus. The new jaw, known as LD 350-1, was found in January 2013 just a dozen miles from where Lucy was found in 1974."
This is Archaeology and Carbon Dating Science at its best with all its Human Limitations.
"Prehistory begins in the Paleolithic Era, or "Early Stone Age," which is followed by the Neolithic Era, or New Stone Age, and the Agricultural Revolution (between 8000 and 5000 BCE) in the Fertile Crescent"
This image depicts the Earliest Human Civilizations on Earth from 3000 BC to 1000 AD.
The earliest human civilizations from 3000 BC, would need to have a human population of a few zillions just for me to have been born in the 20th century, Read here:
According to Anthropologists, the Human Population grew on a linear scale from 10 million in 10,000 BC to 7.000 million in 2000 AD in a linear fashion.
This does not tally as per the concept that I have outlined in the previous post.
Read here:
Science with Technology has changed human lives and provided Human Beings so-called Comforts (along with side effects). Yet Science has Limitations, the Limitation of being a Human Being in a Physical Human Body.
Neither does Scripture nor does Scientific data explain factually how human beings came to exist on earth, and it does not add up to simple mathematical common sense. I need a pair of human beings to produce me. This pair needs another two pairs of human beings to produce them. Again, these two pairs need another four pairs of human beings to produce them and so on...
Read here:
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