Monday, December 28, 2015

Human Beings are Products of Genetic and Environmental Programming

A Human being is a Composite Product of One's Genetic Programming + One's Environmental Programming.

This programming determines one's State of Mind or How we Are.

Our State of Mind  determines Our Thoughts.

Our Thoughts determine our Words and Actions.

Our Thoughts/Words/Actions make up our Response to the Events in our life and our Response to the People in those events.

Our Reponse to the events in our life and our Response to the People in those events are not the end of the story.  There is a Consequence to that Response.  The Response is in the Present.  The Consequence comes in the Future.  When, we may never know.

Can we then safely conceptualize that our Thoughts/Words/Actions determine the Events in our Future, albeit our Future itself.

But these Thoughts/Words/Actions depend upon one's State of Mind at any given time.
But then again, One's State of Mind depends on the Genetic Software that one has inherited and the Environmental Programming that one has accumulated.

Can human beings Reprogram this Software?


Environmental Programming

A human being's entire life experience is the experience of the outside world.

The five sense organs of a human being are the windows to the outside Universe.

What u perceive outside your self are all the impressions that the windows of your eyes, ears, nose, mouth, and nerve endings on your skin gather 24x7x365.

Your body with your brain is gathering this data through your five senses at a phenomenal rate and speed both consciously and unconsciously without even you being aware of it.

It is gathering data and processing it even when you are sleeping.

For example, many a times one is physically there but mentally somewhere else, even in those moments, the body with the brain is gathering data and u are not even aware about it.

The body with the brain is also gathering data even while you are asleep, every cell in the body is alive, awake, and transacting with the outside world.

This accumulation of data from the outside world starts right from the point of conception in the human womb.

All that your Female Parent saw, heard, smelt, tasted, felt have seeped into you in those nine months and the data is stored. 

This data accumulation continues once you emerge out of the womb.

The doctors, the nurses, the relatives in the hospital where u land, then the people at home, the air, the food, the people outside the home, the television, the surroundings that u visit, the playschool, nursery, kindergarten, primary school, the teachers, the classmates, friends, playmates, the television, the advertisements, the serials/soaps, the movies, the data in textbooks, the smartphone, social media, the places u visit, vacations, the newspapers, books, movies, data on the internet, the glamour world peers, rock stars, movie stars, celebrities, world leaders, achievers, college life, again new friends and teachers, the situations that come one after the other throughout your life, the people in those situations, the people missing in those situations, the emotions attached to the situations, the trauma, if you are in a conflict zone, death, injury, homelessness, poverty, etc, name it and u are soaking data.

All this external data that you accummulate forms the basis for your Environmental Programming.

What it means is that every human being is constantly being programmed by the External Environment.

This Environmental Program makes Human beings think speak act out the way they do.

There is little choice.

Most human beings react to external situations depending on their State of Mind at that point in time and this State of Mind depends partly on the kind of Environmental Programming that has happened.

A simple example:

No offence meant, but people who grow up environmentally in slums or downmarket locations.
Generally how do they think speak act.
There may be minuscule exceptions but that is not the rule.

People who environmentally grow up in a very religious orthodox or cult environment.
Generally how do they think speak act.
There may be minuscule exceptions but that is not the rule.

People in middle class environments in apartments, condos, who live the routine regular school, college, job, home loan, EMI life.
Generally how do they think speak act.
There may be minuscule exceptions but that is not the rule...

People who grow up in super luxury environments.
Generally how do they think, speak, act.
There may be minuscule exceptions but that is not the rule.

People who grown up in violent conflict zones or closed societies.
Generally how do they think, speak, act.
There may be minuscule exceptions but that is not the rule.

People who live in so called Progressive Libeal nations.

People who live in so called Developing Nations.

People who live in so called Underdeveloped Nations.

People who still live isolated in forests and mountains and islands.

Generally after watching a television program or a movie or a game or a religious discourse or a political speech, how do people behave for some time.

This is just a simple example.
There are a zillion complex factors that go into this programming....


There is another Programming called Genetic Programming.

This is the genetic material that one gets from ones parent's.  23 chromosomes each from one parent to make 46 chromosomes.

46 sounds like a very small figure.  But every cell (there are zillions of them) in your body has them.

These 46 chromosomes are made of genes and each gene is made of zillions of DNA and the entire DNA in a human body is so so so large in quantity, that if you lay it out end to end, it could extend from one end of the Universe to the other end, if there is a beginning and an end.

So now u get an idea of how much information Human DNA can have....

This is just like the data that is stored in silicon chips in computers.
Silicon is an inorganic atom.
DNA is an organic molecule.

In the near future scientists will be able to store data on DNA molecules much more efficiently and in greater quantities than a silicon chip, even in a water molecule.

A human being comes with phenomenal amount of information stored in his/her DNA that one inherited from both biological parents.

All this information determines your physical, mental, emotional, social, economical  characteristics as well as every single event and experience in your life every millisecond to millisecond from the Point of Conception to Dissolution (death).

It determines the nature of the events that u experience, the kind of people in those events, the stimulus that these events and the people in those events create, and also your response to those situations.

In all Probability, your genetic programming carries information about the entire Universe and all its constituents including all information about yourself right from beginning to the end if there is a beginning and end.


So, a human being  is a composite product of 


In simple terms a human being comes with a physical body made up of cellular stuff which carries Information and Software Preloaded.

This is just like how ur computers/Tablets/Smartphones come preloaded with an Operating System and other Softwares now popularly called Apps.
This Software is the Genetic Programming and the Environmental Programming begins as one is conceived.

This data is constantly being written, modified?, rewritten?, overwritten?????


Every night when you go to bed and lie down on your back, relaxed
Take calm relaxed breaths through your nose (not the mouth)
Watch your breath for a minute
Take a flashback of the day's Events and Experiences from the Moment you woke up in the Morning until the Present Moment
Watch it like a Movie, the actors being You, People and other Objects in the Day's Events
Watch it as if you were the audience now.

Are u experiencing and responding to the events of the day independently, consciously or are you doing so automatically.

With most of the events of the day and our lives, Human Beings just function in AUTOPILOT mode, mechanically.

What does this mean?

Are Human beings not experiencing and living their lives as a consequence of their GENETIC AND ENVIRONMENTAL PROGRAMMING?



The way we experience and respond to situations, events, and the living beings and objects in those situations and events is dependent on our STATE OF MIND at that moment.

Our state of mind is just a consequence of thoughts in our mind and vice versa - which in turn is the consequence of the software and data that we have inherited and the data that we gather as we navigate through life.

Our thoughts are an output of our Genetic and Environmental Programming.



All of us have a basic State of Mind as a backdrop.
We are introverts or extroverts or something in between.
We are loners or very social or in between.
We are humble or egoistic or something in between.
We are joyful or sorrowful or something in between, etc.
These are just examples.

From moment to moment, against this backdrop we have a state of mind that changes as we move from event to event, situation to situation throughout our lives.

Ultimately, it is our state of mind that governs how we respond to these living beings, objects, situations.





To Recap:
1.  We are programmed genetically and environmentally.
2.  This Program determines our Thoughts.
3.  These Thoughts determine our State of Mind and vice versa.
4.  Our State of Mind determines our Words or Actions or the way we Accept and Respond to Situations.
5.  The way we Accept and Respond to situations NOW determines the consequences of this Response (i.e., OUR FUTURE SITUATIONS/EVENTS).
6.  Our Future Situations/Events are determined by our Present Thoughts, Words, and Actions.
7.  Our Present Situations are determined by our Past Thoughts, Words, and Actions.
8.  Our Past Situations were determined by our Thoughts, Words, and Actions before that Past.


1.  IF OUR PRESENT SITUATIONS ARE A CONSEQUENCE OF THE PAST, THEN WE DO NOT HAVE CONTROL OVER IT NOW since it is a consequence of our past thoughts, words, and actions and no human being can have control over his past.

2.  ALSO HOW WE EXPERIENCE AND RESPOND TO OUR PRESENT SITUATIONS IS DETERMINED BY OUR THOUGHTS and STATE OF MIND NOW, which in turn is a result of our genetic and environmental programming.

3.  AND IF HOW WE EXPERIENCE AND RESPOND TO OUR PRESENT SITUATIONS DETERMINES OUR FUTURE, then logically this means our future also depends on our genetic and environmental programming.

Every moment we are creating our Destiny.

Whatever happend to Free Will?
There is a Concept:

1.  Human beings can try and overwrite their genetic programming in tune with the future that they desire.

If we are in Absolute Awareness of what we are and what we have.
If we are in Absolute Acceptance of what we are and what we have.
If we respond to what we are and what we have in Absolute Awakening and with an Independent Intent and manage our thoughts, words and actions that is in tune with the future that we desire.

2.  Human beings can try to and overwrite their environmental programming in tune with the future they desire.

If we are in Absolute Awareness of the environment around us.
If we are in Absolute Acceptance of the environment around us.
If we respond to the environment around us in Absolute Awakening and with an Independent Intent and consciously manage the data that we gather from this environment or even consciously seek an environment in tune with the future that we desire.

3.  Human beings can try and manage their Thoughts>State of Mind>Genetic and Environmental Programming, and manage the way they accept and respond to situations in tune with the kind of consequences they desire from such situations so that they can create the future that they desire.

If we are in Absolute Awareness of the situation we are in.
If we are in Absolute Acceptance of the situation we are in.
If we respond to the situation in Absolute Awakening and with an Independent Intent.

The basic basic concept is about Managing your Thoughts 24x7x365.

We could try.
We just need a Process.

Monday, August 31, 2015

How did the Human Race Land on Earth or Are we Just Living an Illusion - Dream? - 3

For an appropriate perspective on this concept, please read the previous posts:


Human beings experience the following States of Mind...

Waking State when awake and conscious.
Day Dreaming State when awake and conscious.
Dream Sleep State when asleep and conscious.
Deep Sleep State when asleep and unconscious.


Every human being dreams when awake during the day, called day dreaming/thinking 

Day Dreaming during the waking state or as it is called Imagination is just a conscious creation of thoughts in the mind.

These thought patterns are basically just retrieval and processing of existing data (in individual memory or universal memory, we do not know).  This is usually termed as Imagination.

Imagination creates virtual events in the human mind, creation of a whole new existence within the human mind, a whole new universe by itself!  One may or may not participate in the event.

1. These virtual imagined events are very much within the physical universe.
2. These are very similar to the real events one experiences in life within the realm of the physical universe except that it is occurring in one's own mind.

In fact, these virtual imagined events (1) actually exist within the real existential life events (2) in one's life.

Think about it in this way.
You exist in real life in this world.  There are events/situations (2) going on with u in the real world.
Within these real life situations (2), there are day dreaming imagined events (1) going on in your mind.
So effectively you are living in two worlds.  One the so real world (2), and another the virtual dream world (1).

From the perspective of that human being that is day dreaming, this virtual dream or imagination (1)  seems to be a real experience from point A (the birth of the day dreaming) to point B (the death of the day dreaming).  The experience of real life is lost for that period of time.

Point A (birth of the dream) --------------------------to point B (death of the dream).

Imagine you are driving a car.  You begin thinking and imagining events in your mind. You are engrossed in that day dreaming as if it is real and not even aware that you are in a car and actually driving.  Your brain takes over the driving on autopilot.

As the day dreaming ends or the imagination ends, and the human being is jolted back into the real physical world, he would know for sure that it was just an illusion or a dream.  U are back to driving your car.

 In that short span of dream time, one goes through so many THOUGHTS and EMOTIONS.  Yet at the end of it all, one becomes aware that it was just an illusion, a dream.

Human beings go through multiple such states of imaginations, illusions, day dreaming each day of our lifetime.  Every time each such events seem to be real but once it ends, the awareness dawns that it was just a dream.

In most cases, we remember these ILLUSORY EVENTS only for a short period of time and then it cannot be recalled, but yet they get copied, stored, indexed into our hard disk (brain and/or cellular level).  It is possible that one may even recall these illusions or dreams at a future point in time for whatever reason.

"So in a nutshell, in our Waking State of Mind, a human being is living many virtual lives (daydreaming/imagination) in his mind within his current real physical life, albeit short ones."

These many virtual lives (daydreaming/imagination) within a real physical life may be a conscious effort, however, sometimes it seems to be not a conscious effort, it just happens!


Dreaming during the sleeping state is again the same recall and processing of data.  The only difference is that it is not a conscious process and seems to be out of our control.

It seems to be more of a subconscious event or an auto-pilot event than a conscious effort towards imagination.

There is also the fact that sometimes we dream about people and places that we never seem to have met or known or seen in our real physical world.

This could be attributed to the zillions of bytes of data coming through our five sense organs (windows to the outer Universe) and constantly being stored in our hard disk at the brain level and/or the cellular level.  This is happening consciously and even unconsciously as we go about our daily routine.  So, these people and places that u think u have never known or met are part of the stored data, though we might not have consciously noticed them at the physical visual level.

During the dream state, one is conscious of the event and may even remember it distinctly on waking up.  It is also a fact that when one is experiencing the dream state one is NOT aware that one is asleep and the dream seems very real.

As we come out of our Dream state back into the Waking state, we again realize that this dream event was again just an illusion.  Most times we forget the dream in a short span of time.

"So in a nutshell, in our Dream Sleep State of Mind, a human being is living many virtual lives (Dreams) in his mind within his current real physical life."

One third of a human life spent in the Sleeping state and within that so many Dream states and so many Illusory lives within a Real Life.


Do we really experience deep sleep during the sleeping state?  In fact, we are not even aware that we are in Deep Sleep.  Nothing exists, neither are we aware of our own existence, let alone the world.
There is absolutely nothing.  No consciousness of oneself or of the world.  But on waking up, life begins again.  We are again conscious of our existence and the world.  But it was not there a little while ago in deep sleep, like an Illusion.  It is like multiple lives and multiple deaths.

Real Death may be another kind of Deep Sleep.  The only thing is we do not know whether we are going to wake up some other point in space and time or even beyond it.



The point that I am trying to make is that within this lifetime on planet earth we are experiencing Multiple States of Illusory events, Illusory Lives every day in the Waking state and every night in the Sleeping state.

Birth of an Dream/Illusion > Experience of the Dream/Illusion > Death of the Dream/Illusion > Back in the real physical world.
All this within Real Birth > Experience of a Lifetime > Real Death

Within all these illusory dream events or illusory lives, there is so much thought/emotion involved, pain, hurt, joy, happiness, anger, envy.  Exactly the same as one experiences in the so called real Waking State of Life.

If we extend this analogy of Dream States/Illusory Events, then what if our entire so called real life existence in the physical universe itself is a dream within another larger life experience.

"The Dream begins at the time of Birth.... Experiencing this life.....The Dream ends on Death"
Do we wake up somewhere else in some other life?  We do not know?

Our entire life in this physical world itself may be A Greater Illusion within which there are:

Multiple Conscious Illusions (Imaginations/Daydreaming in the Waking State)/Multiple smaller lifetimes)

Multiple Auto-Conscious Illusions (Dreams in the Sleeping State)/Multiple smaller lifetimes)

In fact this Greater Illusion in and of the so called physical world right now maybe a dream within another dream.......within another dream.........within another dream.......within......

Science tells us that the entire Universe is qualitatively similar to the tiny atom or the Set is qualitatively similar to the Subset and this Subset is qualitatively similar to further Subsets and so on.  The design is the same.  The size and magnitude and complexity varies.

This life of a human being could be a Subset within a greater Subset which in turn is within a greater Subset, exactly as the atom is within a molecule and a molecule is within complex molecules within this Universe.


Events/Experiences in our lives may not be under our control.

Our life could be more like the dreams we have in the Sleeping state or it could even be a mix of Waking Dream state/Imagination and the Sleeping Dream state.

When the events are compulsive and just happening mechanically completely out of our control, it could be like the Sleeping Dream state.

When there are events where we seem to be using our will power or conscious effort, it could be like the Waking Dream state/Imagination.

We do not know.

This is just a CONCEPT.

So, where and when are we going to wake up after this huge illusion?

Again, we do not know.

The important thing to realize is that if indeed this physical existence is a huge illusion, then, we surely know how to deal with it.
Human folly is endless!!!

Sunday, August 23, 2015

How did the Human Race Land on Earth or Are we Just Living an Illusion - Dream? - 2

For an appropriate perspective, please read the previous post on this topic.


Q:  Did the Human Race evolve from Monkeys over a span of millions of years?

Comment:  That is what Charles Darwin's Theory of Evolution tells us.

We are still to find the missing link between monkey and man though.
There seems to be similarities between monkey genetics and human genetics but this is only for the 2% of DNA that we know about.  The remaining 98% of human DNA material is uncharted and we know nothing about its function, and which is conveniently termed as Junk DNA.

This is a flow chart depicting how Homo sapiens evolved.

A quote

"The new Ethiopian fossil, announced online by the journal Science, pushes the arrival of Homo on the East African landscape back almost half a million years, to 2.8 million years ago. The date is tantalizingly close to the last known appearance, around three million years ago, of Australopithecus afarensis, an upright-walking, small-brained species best known from the skeleton called Lucy, believed by many scientists to be the direct ancestor of our genus. The new jaw, known as LD 350-1, was found in January 2013 just a dozen miles from where Lucy was found in 1974."

This is Archaeology and Carbon Dating Science at its best with all its Human Limitations.


"Prehistory begins in the Paleolithic Era, or "Early Stone Age," which is followed by the Neolithic Era, or New Stone Age, and the Agricultural Revolution (between 8000 and 5000 BCE) in the Fertile Crescent"

This image depicts the Earliest Human Civilizations on Earth from 3000 BC to 1000 AD.

The earliest human civilizations from 3000 BC, would need to have a human population of a few zillions just for me to have been born in the 20th century,  Read here:

File:World population growth (lin-log scale).png

According to Anthropologists, the Human Population grew on a linear scale from 10 million in 10,000 BC to 7.000 million in 2000 AD in a linear fashion.

This does not tally as per the concept that I have outlined in the previous post.
Read here:


Science with Technology has changed human lives and provided Human Beings so-called Comforts (along with side effects).  Yet Science has Limitations, the Limitation of being a Human Being in a Physical Human Body.

Neither does Scripture nor does Scientific data explain factually how human beings came to exist on earth, and it does not add up to simple mathematical common sense.  I need a pair of human beings to produce me.  This pair needs another two pairs of human beings to produce them.  Again, these two pairs need another four pairs of human beings to produce them and so on...

Read here: